Sunday, June 20, 2010

Diet for a baby

Diet in infants can be given at the 17-month-old baby and above. A diet that can be treated include:
  1. Gluten and Casein-free diet. This diet begins with avoiding all products that contain gluten, such as biscuits, noodles, bread and other food containers made from wheat. Casein is usually obtained from food or beverages that contain cow's milk, like cheese, mozzarella, butter, or candy.
  2. Sugar-free diet. How that is done is by limiting the intake of pure sugar for the baby. This intake comes primarily from sugar, syrup, carbonated beverages, and fruit juice in containers. Instead, use stevia and xylitol sugar alternately for the baby. If both types of sugar are not available, you can replace it by using corn sugar or sorbitol.
  3. Fungus-free diet. This diet aims to prevent fungal infections in the intestines of the baby. Consistent with the name, all kinds of foods processed with fermentation processes, such as soy sauce, Tauco, cheese, and cakes made by using soda developer, vermipan, or the like, not given to the baby. Likewise with food that had been stored, or dried fruits.
  4. Phenol and salicylate-free diet. Phenols contained in brightly colored fruits such as grapes, cherries, prunes, plums, apples, almonds, and others. While salicylate found in oranges and tomatoes. Bright colors on papaya, mango, beets, and carrots, not a phenol, but beta-carotene, which may be consumed by the baby.
  5. Rotation and elimination diets. Foods with high lgG results (marked with two or three stars) is not given to baby, such as wheat, cow's milk, and broccoli. For the low lgG (marked with one star) remains given to the baby, with a rotation diet at least for four days.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Overcoming diaper eczema in baby

Diaper eczema in babies is a skin disorder caused by the inflammation of the skin in the area of the baby's body, covered with a diaper. These diseases generally occur in the thigh skin folds, between the two buttocks, and also can occur on another part of baby's skin.

Part of skin that covered baby diaper, easily becomes inflamed because the baby's skin becomes warm, moist, and sensitive to bacterial or compounds that can cause skin irritation. How to prevent eczema diaper is as follows:
  • Change the baby's diaper regularly and as often as possible.
  • Do not let the baby has wet diapers because the baby's urine. Prolonged contact between the baby's skin with a wet and dirty diapers, can cause diaper rash.
  • When cleaning the baby, pat the baby's body parts usually covered with a diaper (buttock, thigh, groin, and the baby's genital area), gently using a clean towel. Try to avoid brushing the area rubbed too hard.
  • Occasionally let the baby's bottom open without wearing a diaper. Take a few moments, so that the baby's body usually covered with a diaper still dry and clean.
  • Be careful in choosing a diaper for the baby, because some diaper material can cause diaper rash. If your baby is not suitable to use a certain brand of diapers, immediately replace with another brand of diapers.
  • If your baby is wearing cloth diapers are used repeatedly, wash the cloth diapers using a detergent that has a formula not too hard.
  • Avoid wearing clothes with perfume softener, because the deodorant in these clothes softener can irritate baby's skin.
  • Be sure to rinse the baby's diapers really clean, so that the remaining detergent in the diapers can be cleaned as much as possible.
  • Avoid installing a diaper is too strong. Try to provide air space between the diaper and the baby's skin.

Prevent eczema milk to baby

The cause of this disease is complex, influenced by heredity or environment. Eczema milk, usually makes the baby feel itchy. Sign is the baby often scratched, anxiety and also become fussy. Infants with eczema skin will look pink milk. Also there are small bubbles that contain clear fluid. When the bubble burst, it will look wet, then dry up and become yellowish or blackish scab.

Areas of skin affected by eczema milk depending on the age of the baby. Eczema milk that occurs in newborns or young, typically located on the cheek area. While the baby is old enough, eczema milk occurred in the arm and the indentation curves of the knee. In the skin looks dry and scaly.

Tips to prevent eczema milk to infant:
  • Beware of dust, heat and humidity on the baby's skin directly.
  • Keep baby's skin is not dry.
  • Wash the baby at least twice a day, so that the baby's skin clean.
  • Give your baby's skin moisturizer, so your baby's skin is not dry, and does not itch.
  • Immediately dry the baby's sweaty body, using a clean towel dampened with water. Then replace the baby's clothes with a clean.
  • If carrying a baby in a car, avoid the baby from the sun continuously, so that the baby's skin does not overheat.
  • Avoid substances trigger skin irritation, such as bleach clothing. When forced to use bleach clothing, when washing the baby clothes, immediately rinse with clean water as much as possible.
  • If the baby is still drinking mother milk, the cause could also be due to food consumed by the mother. But the mother must ensure beforehand that the food consumed is the cause. Once sure of that, then the mother should stop to consume these foods.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

How to handle babies exposed to cold

You do not want your baby exposed to cold. Because babies do not know what to do if he caught a cold. Therefore, it would be better, if you prevent your baby attacked by colds, than you treat your baby from the cold. Here is how to prevent things you can do:
  • Allow your baby to a lot of rest. Because the rest, could strengthen the resilience of the baby's body.
  • Keep giving breast milk to babies, to prevent the baby from lack of fluids, if your baby had a fever.
  • If your baby had a fever, monitor the baby's body every three or four hours, to determine whether or not given fever. Before your baby is attacked by a cold.
  • Note the air circulation in the baby's room, make sure to flow properly. Stuffy room that will aggravate the fever of the baby, and will continue to be with the baby prone to colds.
Actually going to get rid of a cold by itself, with no special treatment. If handled properly, runny nose will heal by itself within four to five days. However, over the distance this time, your baby will feel uncomfortable, because the nose full of mucus. This makes the baby's breathing becomes disrupted, eventually the baby became fussy. If this happens, do the following treatments:
  • Use a special pipette, to suck the mucus from your baby's nose. Make sure you pay attention to the provisions of its use.
  • If you want to put balm, apply it on your baby's clothes chest. Do not apply directly on baby's skin, because the soft baby skin could become irritated.
  • If you use nose drops in the baby, pick nose drops that contain only salt. This medicine works to thin the mucus in the nose, making it easier on the swallow by baby. In addition it can stimulate a sneeze, so the mucus can be removed easily.
  • If the mucus in your baby's nose too much, immediately take your child to the doctor. The mucus will be exploited with an instrument called suction.
  • Do not suck the mucus in your baby's nose with your mouth. Because it will cause the baby contracting the disease if you have a particular disease.
  • Do not block the baby's head with a pile of pillows. Because the baby's neck muscles are weak and relatively short. Piles of pillows that are too high, it will make the baby's neck is more bent, which makes the baby becomes difficult to breathe.

Movement and gymnastics for one year old baby

Here is a gymnastic movements that are recommended for infants aged one year. Also accompanied by examples of simple games, which can stimulate the baby to perform the movement.

Crawl. Secure the family room or baby's room, from objects that could endanger the baby's body. Then let the baby crawl in accordance with their wishes. Let baby crawl into all the rooms in accordance with the desire that they headed. The game can be done for example is a game of "cat chasing a mouse." Encourage the baby to play alternately, as a cat, and as a mouse.

Rolled. For gymnastic movement on this one, you should prepare thick carpet or thin mattress on the floor of the room. Encourage your baby to lay on the mat, with a rather distant position. Then call your baby's name, as you rolled toward to your baby while saying "Michael, Mama's coming...!, then slowly and simply roll the baby. Do this several times, allow the baby to imitate your movements.

Swing. You can invite your baby to play "horse dance." Take on all fours in front of your baby. Swing your body forward and backward. Bring your baby to play, with the same motions with you. Without realizing it, your baby has been doing gymnastics movements.

Climb. Lay your body on the bed or carpet. Then take or leave your baby to climb up your body. Give your baby's spirit to perform the movement with take a joke or playing "mountain climbing". The climbing game, it's quite tiring for the baby, but also effective enough for the baby to do gymnastics.

Walking. For babies just learning to walk, maybe this foot gymnastic movement is the most enjoyable exercise for them. Walk without fear, coupled with a father or mother, go around the room, is foot gymnastics movements are generally highly favored by the baby. If possible, turn the music and songs, to make the atmosphere more cheerful and energetic. You also can add a simple game, such as tunnels, mat, balance beam, and so forth.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How to clean your baby's mouth

In order for your baby is healthy and manicured, you should pay attention to cleanliness in every part of your baby's body, and one of them is the mouth. Baby's mouth should be clean, because the food intake into the body of the baby, is through the mouth.
  1. The best time to clean the baby's mouth is when the baby will be bathed.
  2. To clean your baby's mouth, make sure the time has reached 30 minutes or more after the baby's last meal. If you clean the baby's mouth too early, the baby can cause vomiting.
  3. Prepare a fine muslin cloth shaped, not shaped rolls.
  4. Prepare a bowl of warm water, as warm water needed for bathing babies. Do not get too hot, because it can cause a baby suffering from mouth ulcer.
  5. Before doing so, wipe your hands with soap, rinse with clean water, and then dried. After that, your little finger bandage with sterile gauze.
  6. Then bring the baby into your lap, with comfortable seating position.
  7. Dip your finger that has been wrapped in sterile gauze, the warm water, and then enter the mouth of the baby. Do not do it too deeply, because the baby could be sick.
  8. Give a gentle pressure on the baby's tongue, repeat once more, and then drag your finger from the baby's mouth. Do not clean it quickly, but do little by little until the baby's mouth is clean.
  9. If you also want to clean the baby's teeth with gauze, the gauze was replaced with new ones. Perform the same steps with the way above, then gently clean baby's teeth. But remember, do not be depressed, because your baby's gums are still very soft.
  10. If your baby refuses to clean the mouth, let him talk, joking or singing. Do not scold the child, because it can cause the baby to be traumatized. As a result, the baby would not like to be cleaned at all.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Overcoming the baby spit up

Spit up is a normal thing which is common in babies, because it is associated with the baby's digestive functions are not perfect. It is also caused by the baby's stomach capacity is still limited, and the baby's digestive tract smooth muscle is still weak. For example, when babies are breastfed, if the baby's stomach could not accommodate the flow of milk that comes in, then the baby would have spit up.

Spit on the baby can also occur through your nose. But you need not worry too much, because the mouth, nose and throat have a related channel. It could happen, possibly because babies spit up quite a lot, so not all of them could get out through the mouth of a baby. Eventually the fluid out through the nose. Although it is perfectly normal, the baby actually spit up can be done in a way like below:
  • Create your baby burp after each feeding.
  • Do not expose your baby from the supine position, after the baby is drinking milk. Since fluid milk into the baby's body, will seek a lower position.
In addition to those steps, you should also pay attention to things below:

If there is milk in the stomachs of infants, it would appear reflex that can cause infant vomiting. Be careful when your baby is choking, and baby vomit into the lungs. This is very dangerous. Moreover, if the baby choked on milk, which has got into your stomach, because the milk already contains the acid. It can damage the baby's lungs. If this happens, immediately take your baby to the doctor, to get help.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How to make babies fall asleep quickly

When the baby began to birth, babies begin life with more asleep than awake. Baby sleep schedule is pretty much a baby is associated with adaptation to new conditions of life outside the womb. Also the baby is experiencing growth is best when he sleeps. For that babies need adequate sleep. To make your baby's fast asleep then do the following tips:
  • Introduce routine between day and night to the baby from the beginning they were born. When during the day, let the baby sleep with a light and active situation.
  • Make your baby to sleep when they are getting sleepy, but not asleep. Baby will soon learn to sleep alone when they need it, even without your assistance.
  • Do not meet the crib crib with toys. With too many toys, will make the baby more interested in playing than sleeping.
  • At the time the baby to sleep schedule, avoid a baby from distractions. For example, from the noisy voice or from your pet.
  • Allow the baby to determine the sleep position of their own, so they fall asleep faster and more deeply. After the baby is asleep, you can fix the position of the baby so right with a gentle manner, so they do not wake up.

Monday, May 3, 2010

How to deal with difficult infants defecate

Tips if your baby is experiencing difficulties in defecating are as follows:
  • Give your baby foods that are more liquids, such as water or milk. After the age of four months your baby step, you can give a diluted fruit juice.
  • Help your baby to conduct a small exercise that is suitable for babies. You do this by bending baby's knees toward them belly gently, do this repeatedly. It will be able to help your baby to defecate.
  • Wash your baby with warm water.
  • Apply baby oil around the baby's anus.
  • Once the baby starts eating solid foods, give them more fibrous foods from fruits and vegetables.
If difficulties in defecating problem continues, you will need to consult a doctor if:
  • No change when you have changed your eating pattern.
  • Your child looks very ill.
  • Out of blood in stool infants.
  • Tear occurs in infants due to pressure of the anal region is strong.

How to prevent vomiting baby

If you as a mother, you certainly feel sorry when you saw your little baby get vomiting. For that you need to know about ways to prevent your baby has vomited. Here are tips that can be done.
  • Get used to wash your hands, and also sterilize the bottle before you make your baby's milk to drink. This aims to prevent the entry of germs or bacteria into a drinks baby.
  • Try to burp your baby before and after drinking milk, carried by an upright and resting on your shoulders. Gently pat the baby's shoulder to burp your baby.
  • Give your baby enough milk to drink and at the proper time. Try not to make baby feel very hungry before you give the baby milk. Because it can make your baby so hurry to drink milk in sufficient quantity lots. The best time interval to give formula milk to babies was 3.5 - 4 hours.
  • At the time of feeding the baby using a pacifier, try the entire nipple teats fit into baby's mouth, with an upright position with the baby's mouth. The purpose is to reduce the entry of air into the baby's stomach, so that it can reduce the risk of infant vomiting.
  • Place the baby in a quiet room during feeding, so baby can concentrate fully when feeding. Position the baby's body lying in state by using a bit high pillow.
  • Let your baby lie approximately 10 minutes after feeding, after that make baby burp.
If the tips above can be done properly, the chance that the baby had vomited while feeding will be reduced.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Tips to clean baby's tongue and gums

For baby aged 0 until 6 months, generally do not have milk teeth. However, activities to clean the tongue and gums of the baby should begin to do, after finished feeding and sleep at night. The following is a safe way to clean baby's tongue and gums:
  • Provide a piece of gauze or other sterile cloth and gently.
  • Dip or wet cloth with clean water that has been cooked.
  • wrap the cloth on the mother or the father's index finger. But do not forget the fingers of father or mother must be cleaned before.
  • Clean the mouth, tongue and gums baby slowly and gently
  • Position the baby is lying on a little straighter, or if the baby has been able to sit down, sit on the lap of the mother's baby.
  • When the baby's milk teeth have appeared, use a small toothbrush. If you want to use toothpaste, provide a moist cloth, because babies can not be rinsed.
  • When the baby was in her lap, the baby's mouth clean can be vertically or horizontally. Part of the most important baby teeth to be cleaned is part of the tooth surface facing the tongue.
  • If you've finished tp clean mouth, tongue and the baby milk teeth, wipe toothpaste from baby's mouth, milk teeth and lips by using a damp cloth.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

How to care baby's skin

Babies have the skin smooth and soft. In order to care the baby's skin softness and smoothness, we should be able to take care of baby's skin the right treatment. Here are tips that can be done.
  • The skin of a newborn baby has a high sensitivity and very easy to irritation. Therefore, use a special cosmetic baby. Give more attention to the folds of baby's skin. Because in that section that has more moisture level.
  • To take a bath, use soap specially formulated for babies. Special soap for babies have a lower soda content than regular soap. Besides soap formulated for babies is also not painful to the eye.
  • When to use a powder, try not to disturb the baby's breathing. How sprinkle talcum powder on hand, then slowly, rubbed on the chest and the baby's back. Use baby powder pure sterilized and safe for newborns.
How to care needs to be done really, because the baby's skin is very different from adult skin.

Tips to do yoga to baby

If you are going to do yoga on your baby, you need to perform the following steps, so that the results of yoga that you do on your baby can improve their health.
  • Clean rooms used by baby to yoga. Ensure free from dust and dirt- Note the circulation of air in the room. Ensure circulation of air in the room was not stuffy, cool and not humid.
  • Note the light or light in the room. Make sure lights are not too bright, or light is not too hot, because it can causes room became hot, and the view of the baby so much glare.
  • Ideally, the room air to yoga is not too noisy. Tranquility room for yoga can help the baby to concentrate so baby can concentrate to do the movements correctly.
  • Accompanied the movement of your baby during yoga with gentle musical accompaniment and fitted with a baby.
  • Wear a base or a clean mattress and soft, but not hairy. In addition to the room, clothes also need attention. chose clothes that make the baby can move freely.
  • We recommend that the baby clothes made of material that is soft and not hot.
  • Do not expose your baby with clothes that are too many buttons, because it will hurt if the crushed bodies. Or also avoid clothing that is too many ribbons dangling, so they can about the eye and into the baby's mouth.
  • The role of a good yoga coach, can help babies make the right yoga movements.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tips for dealing with a hiccuping baby

Hiccups caused by contraction of the diaphragm muscle that occurs suddenly. Hiccups can also occur in infants and in general do not require treatment or medical action. Generally hiccups in baby can disappear by itself within a few minutes. But that hiccups in your baby could be lost within a short time, you can help your baby by doing the following treatment:
  1. Burping, or pat baby's back gently to make it happen burp. Recline your baby in an upright position on your shoulder and pat his back gently.
  2. Do check on a baby pacifier drinking. If the baby swallows too much air, it is probable hiccups in babies. This could be due to the large hole size dot that is not appropriate.
  3. Massage the back of the palate infant, using cotton that has been moistened with water.
  4. Move the cotton is to the front and back are smooth, for about one minute, or more.
With this kind of care tips, you can remove your baby's hiccups sooner, rather than allowing it to stop the hiccups it selves.

Baby care tips that experienced coughing shortness

Baby signs cough shortness is the voice sounded shrill baby, dry, and usually starts at mid night. Cough sound of the baby even sounded like barking seals. Sound was due to swelling around the baby's vocal cords in the larynx and the trachea.

The main cause of baby get diseases like this is by para influenza virus. Sometimes also due to respiratory syncytial virus is caused by, or also by a variety of other respiratory viruses.

This disease does not show any symptoms of fever in infants. But the baby's esophagus and throat will have swollen, so that narrows the airways. Coughing is usually experienced shortness of infants aged between six months to three years.

How to cope with this disease are:
  1. With a calm face, and also give you peace in infants. Take him to sit and play with a game that is not exhausting, such as graffiti or stacking blocks. The goal is to help my baby do not cry, because if you cry, it becomes increasingly difficult to make the baby breathe.
  2. Moisten the air. Use a humidifier in the bedroom baby, or bring your baby to breathe in moist air, eg in a warm steamy bathroom, for approximately 10 minutes.
  3. Make your room a fresh atmosphere and cool. Sometimes the air is fresh and cool, can overcome the shortness of breath. This can be done by opening a window or turn on the tool room moisturizer. If the air outside is cooler, wrap your baby in a blanket and walk outside for a few minutes.
  4. Keep your baby in an upright position. Sitting upright can make the baby breathe easier.
  5. Offer a beverage, such as mother's milk or formula commonly drunk by the baby. Or if the baby is big, give it a cold soup or fresh fruit.
  6. Keep your baby to rest. Enough sleep in infants, can help fight infection.
  7. Make your bed near your child. So you can take action quickly, if symptoms of shortness of your baby's cough was getting worse.
Although the above treatments you can do yourself, you should also consider bringing your child to a medical specialist if your baby shows symptoms such as below:
  1. The baby is breathing too fast with the flower's stomach looks flat and struggling to get air into his lungs.
  2. Looked pale and bluish on the area around the mouth, nose and nails. This is a sign the baby is not getting enough oxygen.
  3. Your baby looks very nervous.
  4. Your baby has a fever with body temperature of 39.7 degrees Celsius or higher.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tips to care a baby who suffered from dry cough

Dry cough in babies characterized by what sounded like a squeak in a baby voice and is crunchy. Coughing is usually experienced by baby when finished eating. If a baby has this dry cough once, and then the baby will be hard to stop the coughing repeatedly. Dry cough could make the baby becomes fussy and often vomiting. This dry cough can become worse, if the baby is in a lying position.

Dry cough caused by weak muscle bands that lie between esophagus and stomach baby. As a result, the fluid should enter into the stomach, it flows back into the mouth. These fluids get into the baby's lungs, and will cause more chronic cough. For that do care dry cough in baby as follows:
  1. Sit your baby for about 30 minutes every time the baby is finished eating.
  2. Elevate the baby's pillow when he sleeps.
  3. For infants who stepped on the children, should be stopped once to eat foods such as soda, chocolate, candy, oranges and tomatoes.
  4. If the disease persists dry cough in infants for more than two weeks, immediately take it to the doctor for treatment and further treatment.

Tips to overcome the prickly heat a baby

To know about how babies against prickly heat treatment is very necessary. Because of this problem often occurs to infants. Here is the tips how to overcome the prickly heat on our lovely babies.
  1. Bathe the baby regularly. In the morning and afternoon.2. Then dry the baby with a soft towel. Especially in parts of the skin folds.
  2. When the baby is sweating, the baby wipe using a damp cloth, then dry with a towel to dry.
  3. Give your baby powder if needed, to keep baby's skin to keep them dry, cool and fresh. Its use should not be too thick, so that the baby's skin pores are not clogged.
  4. Give your baby's clothing from materials made from cotton. Choose the size of these clothes are not too narrow, so that it can reduce the baby's body heat.
  5. Keep the room ventilation is often used for sleeping babies, so the exchange will be cleaner air, fresh and cool.
  6. Give more attention on the prickly heat baby more closely.
In addition there are also equipment or drugs that can be used to overcome the problem of infant prickly heat, namely:
  1. VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil)
  2. Coconut oil. Pick containing 60 percent coconut oil, so as not to hot for the baby.
  3. Salicyl powder. Can be mixed with water, such as cold powder.
  4. Powder baby.
Further action to overcome the prickly heat problems in infants:
  1. If prickly heat in infants have become infected, which indicated with white spots on baby's skin, you can directly contact the physician. Usually the doctor will provide the form of an ointment drug to reduce further inflammation in infants.
  2. If prickly heat until the condition of the baby is out pus, give antibiotics, in consultation with your doctor first.